28 April 2008

第四个CG(computer graphic)(7完成)

这个是我第四个digital painting的完成品了,将灰色的天空改为深蓝色,乱舞中的蝙蝠也blur了边缘,给batman加重阴影和高光,站立的地方也调暗了些,感谢曾给过意见的朋友,也希望大家能再给这副作品一点意见,谢谢。

24 April 2008

2dartist magazine highres(高解析度)免费下载!


单击图中click to download(下图)的字样就可下载,虽然是177MB的大file但请放心,下载速度很快的。

第四个CG(computer graphic)(6)


21 April 2008

第四个CG(computer graphic)(5)


请点图去到picasa web album然后点图中的放大镜以看600x424较清楚的图。

18 April 2008

17 April 2008



零分......很棒的文章喔!! ! (重點不是在於接受零分)

「兒子呀!!! 你就是這麼乖,老師說要蓋章,你就一定會拿來蓋章。你是個好孩子!!!」
「不難呀!!! 因為老師說:『考卷寫好可以去打籃球。』


「你怎麼這麼笨呀!!! 幫你溫習了一晚,還如此粗心,掉了一分。」
再說聯考,差一分說不定就輸了幾個人哩 !!!


晚上,一向成績很好的姐姐問弟弟:「班上有沒有人考一百分呢??? 」
父親出差回來,看到弟弟的成績,開心的說:「我的兒子進步好多!!! 」

真正掌握自己的心情,不受分數影響的人很少。但分數真有那麼重要嗎?? ?
分數之外,孩子要走的路,還很長。生命就該浪費在有意義的事上,你覺得呢 ???

不是得到… …就是學到

你不是得到最終自己想要的結果;就是學到… 世事總不會盡如人意。
不是得到…就是學到這樣的人生, 沒有所謂的失去。

14 April 2008

2DArtist Magazine April 2006 'Lite' version Free for Download


April’s here and our 4th issue is the biggest (and if don’t say so ourselves ‘The Best’ yet!) The magazine is gaining popularity but we are sure there are many 2d artists out there who just know we exist, if you can help us by spreading the word then please do. We are putting all revenue back into the magazine, we have just taken on several freelance tutorial writers but we want more! So spread the word, lets get the copies selling and in turn the content will be more original more inspiring and just plain, more of it!

What a great way to open this month’s issue with our Dylan Cole interview, these 8 inspiration pages lead into more interviews, tutorials and articles in which we try to cover as much variety in today’s concept and digital painting mediums as we can. Tutorials vary from the detailed step by step guides such as Rock and Stone painting in the elements series to image overviews of which we have 4 this month.

Over the next 100+ pages we have tried to vary the content as much as possible for you to enjoy and we are always very happy to receive feedback, please email with any suggestions and comments to info@zoopublishing.com Read on and enjoy!


这是我最近为了寻找有关digital painting时找到的一本有关的刊物,而她又拥有"Lite"版本的给人家免费下载,我觉得这本刊物非常好,所以就在这里跟大家分享,下载请按下面的link,如果你有意思购买这本刊物的话,可以去到她的主页 www.2dartistmag.com

rapidshare download

2DArtist Magazine March 2006 'Lite' version Free for Download



The third issue of 2DArtist Magazine is here! It has been a fast paced year so far for the team at Zoo Publishing and we have to thank all the contributors to both our magazines who are the main reason that we keep on going and growing! More and more artists discovered us last month and we got some fantastic feedback in the survey we ran, which showed we are on the right track with our content so far. So, on with this issue’s summary :-

Artist Interviews
You are in for a treat this month! We have packed out the interview sections with 4 top artists : Kuang Hong from Beijing, talks to us about his characters and techniques; a fascinating read from Matt Dixon based here in the UK tells us about his past, present and future projects and inspirations; Eduardo Schaal reveals his portfolio works to us and tells us about his working practices; and finally, Dan Wheaton from Canada gives us some of the longest interview answers we have ever received! Not that this is in anyway a bad thing, quite the opposite in fact. Read about what it takes to become a top matte artist in today’s industry whilst learning about the techniques and pipelines that operate in a large film/game studio.

10 of the best grace these pages, such as this month’s cover image “Ghost & Mariner” by Innokentii Shevchenko. Remember, we want your submissions for future galleries! Details for sending them in are here http://www.2dartistmag.com/gallery.

Making of’s
Break down those images! The layers, brushes, blending modes, tips and tricks are revealed as previous gallery artists go deeper into the stages of their master pieces.
Adonihs takes us through the Making Of ‘V-Rex’. He tells us : “It’s kind of a mix between different crocodiles and a t-rex”. This reveals the painting of some very interesting skin/armour containing many different tissue elements. “Many are calling for help in the silence” - project overview by AquaSixio. With this image being a personal favourite of ours, we were very happy to receive the details that went into the colours, tones and composition behind this wonderful piece of work.

In the survey you voted ‘In Depth, Step by Step guides’ as your favourite sections of the magazine, so hopefully we will make you happy with this months generous line-up :- The elements series continues with the subject of fabrics; two contrasting tutorials here by our regular artist Richard Tilbury and guest artist Natasha Roeoesli. Richard tackles worn leather and Natasha studies delicate folds and forms. Soft Colouring by Deji Chan : the first of this three part series is aimed at beginners to get them started with digital colouring. To round off, two painting guides; ‘Jade Fox’ by Benita Winckler. She tells us “I had this idea about a fox-human hybrid creature, a kind of ghost or supernatural being, someone you can meet in your dreams” Benita’s tutorial proves to be a great character development guide. Secondly, ‘Fox Fire’ by Jenny Roanchuk is a detailed Photoshop painting guide of 14 stages, starting right at the beginning with tips on scanning in your line art, following through to some of the finer details of Photoshop’s brushes and layer modes.

Whether you are checking out the ‘lite’ issue or are one of the growing number of annual subscribers (you get 9 issues for the price of 12 you know! hint hint) then the Zoo team hopes you enjoy your read and keep coming back for more! See you next month - Ed


这是我最近为了寻找有关digital painting时找到的一本有关的刊物,而她又拥有"Lite"版本的给人家免费下载,我觉得这本刊物非常好,所以就在这里跟大家分享,下载请按下面的link,如果你有意思购买这本刊物的话,可以去到她的主页 www.2dartistmag.com

rapidshare download

07 April 2008

第四个CG(computer graphic)(3)


2DArtist Magazine February 2006 'Lite' version Free for Download


The coming of our second issue brings some great news, the magazine launch was very successful bringing in steady flow of interest throughout January, forums around the net picked up this new magazine with some fantastic comments and feedback boosting the Zoo Publishing team ever forward. This month we have crammed so much quality content in for you, it wasn’t quite so much of a mad rush here at Zoo’s studio as last month, so we have had more time produce (what we regard as) an amazing issue, with lots features, tutorials and interviews from well known industry talent, upcoming students, dedicated freelancers and inspired hobbyists.

Artist Interviews

Cover featured Tim Warnock, details his work as a matte/concept artist in one of Montréal’s leading studios ‘Intelligent Creatures’. Laith Bahrani, gives us a hilarious overview of his life and works including the music video for No.1 hit ‘JCB Song’ and Martin Abel tells us about his freelancing ways whilst showing off some of his pin up girls! All in all, not a bad selection!

We are very pleased to have Double Negative Studio artist Dimitri Delacovias detailing how 2D Digital Mattes are progressing and being used in the projects taken on by this leading London studio. We also take a look at new masking Photoshop plug-in ‘Fluid Mask’.

Tutorials and Making Of’s
Where to begin!? 9 tutorials this month, a whopping 42 pages created by very talented digital artists who want to share their secrets with the community, from project overviews to in-depth ‘step by steps’ there is more than enough here to keep you going until our next March Issue!

We review Christian Scheurer’s ‘Entropia’ A Collection of Unusually Rare Stamps is a uniquely crafted storybook for all ages. “Readers are taken on an unforgettable journey to the fantastic world of, with it’s unique history, locations and inhabitants.”

Competitions and galleries :- Win signed ‘Entropia’ books with personalized dedications and illustrations from Christian Scheurer and view this month’s dedicated gallery pages, with works from many artists. If you would like to submit to the gallery for future issues please see here www.2dartistmag.com/gallery


这是我最近为了寻找有关digital painting时找到的一本有关的刊物,而她又拥有"Lite"版本的给人家免费下载,我觉得这本刊物非常好,所以就在这里跟大家分享,下载请按下面的link,如果你有意思购买这本刊物的话,可以去到她的主页 www.2dartistmag.com

rapidshare download

2DArtist Magazine January 2006 'Lite' version Free for Download


to 2DArtist Magazine, the first issue of Zoo Publishing’s new publication. As far as we know there is no other current magazine dedicated to 2d art in the form of concept, matte and digital painting so we thought we would fill the gap for all you many thousands of enthusiasts out there! The content is aimed to be a great read for hobbyists and professionals alike from beginners to experts. Other artists such as 3D’ers or traditional artists wanting to venture into this digital medium will find a wealth of information here too on how to get started and expand your skill sets. There is going to be so much awesome artwork, information, techniques and features packed into each issue we are sure you will not be disappointed!

Artist Interviews
Each month we will be speaking to the top industry talent, passionate hobbyists and upcoming students, this month we put Stephane Belin, Marc Simonetti and Frederic St.Arnaud under the spotlight and apply lashings of wonderful imagery from their portfolios to create some beautiful pages!

Studio Interviews
The cover featured ‘Imaginary Friends Studios’ tell us all about their projects, teamwork, production pipelines and the games they play

Tutorials are going to feature heavily in this publication, and we are kicking things off with ‘Creating the concept artwork behind a 3D scene’ by Richard Tilbury and the first of which we are sure is going to be a very popular series ‘Elements’. Each month we concentrate on a particular element such as this month’s skies and guest artists show just how they tackle the subject, presented in clear step by step form

Painter IX - A photoshop only artist gives a run down of swapping to and trying out this popular alternative.

Making ofs

Take one fantastic artist, take one of their amazing works, hound the artist until they crack and tell us just how they made it! This month we went after two of the best and are very lucky as we have Matt Dixon and Jose Manuel Oli giving away tips and techniques.

Iif there wasn’t enough fantastic imagery already to make your head spin, we are throwing some dedicated gallery pages at you too.

这是我最近为了寻找有关digital painting时找到的一本有关的刊物,而她又拥有"Lite"版本的给人家免费下载,我觉得这本刊物非常好,所以就在这里跟大家分享,下载请按下面的link,如果你有意思购买这本刊物的话,可以去到她的主页 www.2dartistmag.com


04 April 2008

第四个CG(computer graphic)(2)


02 April 2008

第四个CG(computer graphic)

其实我的第三个cg还没完成的,因为有很多不满意的地方要修改,但以我现在的实力又无法修改的满意,所以就先搁在那里,等我的能力够了才继续吧,这次不是画原创人物,而是我一直都很喜欢的super hero - batman。

