其实除了标题不一样以外,还有就是在web search的那个Web2.0 button也在设计与颜色上有所不同。
有关Mozilla camino
这是Mozilla面向Mac OS X系统的Camino浏览器,由于Firefox始终缺乏Mac程序的特质,Camino便担起了Mozilla进军Mac的重任,而且早在苹果推出自家 Safari浏览器之前就已在开发。Camino的速度得益于Gecko引擎和Apple的领先的Quartz Extreme的整合。另外,它使用了首先由Mozilla浏览器采用的标签浏览的方式,这从整体上提高了浏览的效率。Camino现在被认为是最快的浏览器之一,值得Mac用户选择。
Camino没有使用Firefox的XUL技术用户界面,而是基于苹果Aqua设计,因此真正融入了苹果的风格,Camino的口号便是“Mozilla power, Mac Style”。不过Camino仍继承了同门师兄Firefox的诸多特性,如标签式浏览、弹出广告拦截、隐私保护控制、Gecko渲染引擎等等。
Camino没有使用Firefox的XUL技术用户界面,而是基于苹果 Aqua设计,因此真正融入了苹果的风格,Camino的口号便是“Mozilla power, Mac Style”。不过Camino仍继承了同门师兄Firefox的诸多特性,如标签式浏览、弹出广告拦截、隐私保护控制、Gecko渲染引擎等等。
Camino is a web browser optimized for Mac OS X with a Cocoa user interface and powerful Gecko layout engine. It's the simple, secure, and fast browser for Mac OS X. It practices the art of simplicity with an uncluttered user interface but with the features you expect from a modern browser like tabbed browsing and pop-up blocking settings. Integrated with Google, its Google search field lets you find what you need faster. It comes with advanced cookie settings and also helps you recognize when entering and leaving secure web sites. The power behind Camino is the Gecko rendering engine.
Latest Changes:
- Camino will no longer crash when attempting to add a search engine that uses POST
- Camino displays more useful error messages when it is unable to add a search engine
- Camino supports a wider variety of search engine definition files
- Restored
compatibility with Adobe Dreamweaver and other applications that use a deprecated AppleEvent to open documents in Camino- Improved robustness of code used to access the Keychain
- Command-period will now close the Find toolbar on Mac OS X 10.5
Release Notes:http://www.caminobrowser.org/releases/1.6.1/
不过我还是会继续使用firefox因为当我用家里那台pc时还可以继续使用我在firefox上google toolbar里的bookmark。;p
其实Flock也不错,新的版本改良了不少,web browser有太多种,但可怜的是,无论其它有多好,那些不是很懂电脑的只会用那超讨厌的IE.
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