14 April 2008

2DArtist Magazine April 2006 'Lite' version Free for Download


April’s here and our 4th issue is the biggest (and if don’t say so ourselves ‘The Best’ yet!) The magazine is gaining popularity but we are sure there are many 2d artists out there who just know we exist, if you can help us by spreading the word then please do. We are putting all revenue back into the magazine, we have just taken on several freelance tutorial writers but we want more! So spread the word, lets get the copies selling and in turn the content will be more original more inspiring and just plain, more of it!

What a great way to open this month’s issue with our Dylan Cole interview, these 8 inspiration pages lead into more interviews, tutorials and articles in which we try to cover as much variety in today’s concept and digital painting mediums as we can. Tutorials vary from the detailed step by step guides such as Rock and Stone painting in the elements series to image overviews of which we have 4 this month.

Over the next 100+ pages we have tried to vary the content as much as possible for you to enjoy and we are always very happy to receive feedback, please email with any suggestions and comments to info@zoopublishing.com Read on and enjoy!


这是我最近为了寻找有关digital painting时找到的一本有关的刊物,而她又拥有"Lite"版本的给人家免费下载,我觉得这本刊物非常好,所以就在这里跟大家分享,下载请按下面的link,如果你有意思购买这本刊物的话,可以去到她的主页 www.2dartistmag.com

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